Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Online news of tomorrow

Broadcast Engineering says a study predicts that online news will overtake TV news within the next five years.

"The data came from a Harris Interactive poll on newspapers and online sites and was released last week at the World Association of Newspapers conference in Cape Town, South Africa. The research came from a poll of 8749 adults taken last month in seven countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Australia."

Among other findings, people want more local news coverage, as well as more in-depth analysis.

If you watch TV news this should come as no surprise. CNN, FOX et. al. are filled with pestilent platitudes.

I rather prefer doing news online, including videos, games, interactive polls. Newpapers seem to be catching on to that.

Cap Times has jumped on the scene with video-editorials using images and music, as well as open-commenting after stories. Sometimes the comments are nuts, but doesn't that add to the fun?

I mean, Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad left me a comment just last week...

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