Thursday, July 26, 2007

Reality sinks in

At first I was skeptical about the actual need to post the 911 calls of Ronald Brandon on and at the Wisconsin State Journal.

Brandon had pointed a pellet gun provocatively at a police officer, only to be fatally shot in a motion of self-defense.

Does the public really need to hear this? To be frightened? To make something so private a part of the public sphere?

But the tapes drove home the udder tragedy that occurred at Camden Road. The seeming gentleness of Ron in his call to report himself. He sounded almost peaceful, like a good neighbor.

The pleas of his ex-wife, Susan Brandon, can help the reader/listener understand the lack of communication, and Susan's despair because of it.

Personally, I gained a sense of respect for what went on. Empathy and knowledge should trump comfort.